Taisho Shawl - Designing my first garment

It all started back in January before any of us knew what was coming. I met up with my local knitting circle and I started a simple triangle from yarn left over from a small baby sweater I had just finished for a coworker. I literally just kept knitting and the shawl triangle grew larger and larger.

All photos: ©Tiffany Ann Laufer

All photos: ©Tiffany Ann Laufer

It was a wip I picked up whenever I needed to take a break from the craziness of the world. Who knew it would help keep me occupied and sane in so many ways. I didn’t have to labor over understanding a pattern, it just came out of my head gradually as a song I remembered from long ago.

I loved this photo of Cassie holding her hands in front of her heart - has such resonance.

I loved this photo of Cassie holding her hands in front of her heart - has such resonance.

Taisho is a Japanese word for mathematical symmetry. It seemed a good description of the shawl from a visual perspective - as it’s a complete mimic if itself on each side.

It’s a completely balanced shawl in colors and stitches - but. you can wear it many different ways showcasing bold abstract colors that don’t have to line up if you choose.

It’s a completely balanced shawl in colors and stitches - but. you can wear it many different ways showcasing bold abstract colors that don’t have to line up if you choose.

I’ll be launching the full pattern on Ravelry 9/1!

Summer of color

As August begins, all I can think of is how winter is too close at hand. I try to relax in August knowing that the winner ahead lacks the color that I so enjoy and relish in during the summer months. I love nasturtiums, zinnias, echinacea, and I try to plant as many as I can with the available light that’s in my yard. I know I take photos so I can remember their vibrancy and glory when the cool tones of grays and blues eventually dominate the horizon.